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IMPORTANTE: rassegna dell'attività di amministrazione

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

Ciao. Una politica che riguarda la rimozione dei "diritti avanzati" (amministratore, burocrate, ecc) è stata adottata come parte sommaria della comunità nell'anno 2013: in accordo a questa politica, gli Stewards stanno rivedendo le attività degli amministratori su tutte le wiki della Fondazione di Wikimedia con nessun criterio politico che potrebbe riguardare l'inattività delle utenze. Di tale principio, ne risulta che al meglio delle nostre conoscenze, le utenze sulle wiki non avrebbero un processo formale per la rimozione di questi "diritti avanzati" che per l'appunto riguarderebbe tutti gli account inattivi. E in una propria conclusione ciò andrà a significare che gli steward in accordo alla rassegna dell'attività amministrativa si prenderanno cura di questo processo.

Abbiamo stabilito che i seguenti utenti soddisfano i criteri di inattività (senza modifiche e senza azioni di registro per più di 2 anni):

  1. Marco 27 (burocrate, amministratore)

Questi utenti ben presto riceveranno una notifica: ad essi si chiederà di avviare alla comunità una discussione se vogliono mantenere alcuni o tutti i loro diritti. Quindi, se gli utenti non rispondono alla discussione richiesta, i loro diritti che precedentemente hanno mantenuto sino a quel momento saranno rimossi dagli amministratori.

Tuttavia, se dalla comunità si vorrebbe creare il proprio processo di rassegna di attività che sostituisce quello globale, si potrebbe prendere un'altra decisione di quei diritti dei detentori che sono inattivi dove codesti utenti hanno già una politica, ma la stessa fu superata e non è più valida. Pe cui, si è pregati di avvisare gli Stewards (stewards on Meta-Wiki), laddove gli steward senza determinato avviso non potranno sapere se procedere o astenersi al riesame dei diritti wiki di questi utenti. Grazie. Rschen7754 20:59, 31 zen 2015 (CET)[respondi]

VisualEditor News #1—2015

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

19:30, 5 feb 2015 (CET)

Pian pianòt no sarìe de segnalar de đontar anca "Ł" "Đ" e "Ẑ" par Visual Editor? Così se se fa manco ritegni a doperarlo co'l sèrve. --Tn4196 cónteme 20:01, 8 feb 2015 (CET)[respondi]
Bastarìa che i faxese funsionar anca so VE ła tastiera che funsiona in chealtra modałità de modifega (cueła de ła lh par capirse)...--GatoSelvadego (msj) 16:05, 15 mar 2015 (CET)[respondi]
Sì, fone la segnalaẑion su MediaWiki? --Tn4196 cónteme 12:46, 16 mar 2015 (CET)[respondi]
Tenpo indrìo ghe ło ghevo xà dito a Elitre. Comuncue penso che sia xà segnałà ła ròba, parché serte wiki tipo anca cueła in esperanto łe ga pròpio bixogno del ULS, no łe pol far de manco.--GatoSelvadego (msj) 20:47, 18 mar 2015 (CET)[respondi]

Lila Tretikov a Milan

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

Ve segnale sta discusion cuà, che magari ve pòl interesar anca par contar en cich i nòsi problèmi (de i progèti venetòfoni). --Tn4196 cónteme 17:22, 10 feb 2015 (CET)[respondi]

[Global proposal] (utenti) Modifica pagine

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]
MediaWiki mobile

Hi, this message is to let you know that, on domains like, unregistered users cannot edit. At the Wikimedia Forum, where global configuration changes are normally discussed, a few dozens users propose to restore normal editing permissions on all mobile sites. Please read and comment!

Thanks and sorry for writing in English, Nemo 23:32, 1 mar 2015 (CET)[respondi]

New Wikipedia Library Accounts Available Now (March 2015)

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

Apologies for writing in English, please help translate this into your local language. Hello Wikimedians!

The TWL OWL says sign up today!

The Wikipedia Library is announcing signups today for, free, full-access accounts to published research as part of our Publisher Donation Program. You can sign up for new accounts and research materials from:

Many other partnerships with accounts available are listed on our partners page. Do better research and help expand the use of high quality references across Wikipedia projects: sign up today!
--The Wikipedia Library Team 22:14, 2 mar 2015 (CET)

Help us coordinate Wikipedia Library's distribution of accounts, communication of access opportunities and more! Please join our team at our new coordinator page.
This message was delivered via the Global Mass Message tool to The Wikipedia Library Global Delivery List.

Inspire Campaign: Improving diversity, improving content

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

This March, we’re organizing an Inspire Campaign to encourage and support new ideas for improving gender diversity on Wikimedia projects. Less than 20% of Wikimedia contributors are women, and many important topics are still missing in our content. We invite all Wikimedians to participate. If you have an idea that could help address this problem, please get involved today! The campaign runs until March 31.

All proposals are welcome - research projects, technical solutions, community organizing and outreach initiatives, or something completely new! Funding is available from the Wikimedia Foundation for projects that need financial support. Constructive, positive feedback on ideas is appreciated, and collaboration is encouraged - your skills and experience may help bring someone else’s project to life. Join us at the Inspire Campaign and help this project better represent the world’s knowledge!

(Sorry for the English - please translate this message!) MediaWiki message delivery (msj) 21:01, 4 mar 2015 (CET)[respondi]

SUL finalization update

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

Hi all,apologies for writing in English, please read this page for important information and an update involving SUL finalization, scheduled to take place in one month. Thanks. Keegan (WMF) (talk) 20:45, 13 mar 2015 (CET)[respondi]

Modèłi cuałità e vetrina

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

I ne ga segnałà che sarìa da scansełarli (pròpio deso che i ghevimo pena sistemai!) parché deso ghe pensa Wikidata... go visto che so serte Wiki i ło ga xa fato, invese so altre no gnancora, parché el modèl el serve a łe categorie... A parte che no vedo sta gran utiłità de tegner łe categorie voxe in vetrina so ła wiki x, sa femo?--GatoSelvadego (msj) 16:09, 15 mar 2015 (CET)[respondi]

Par mi se pòl scancelar modèi e categorìe (apunto che tanto le categorìe no le à sta gran utilità). Pecà par el laoro fat par servir sì poch. --Tn4196 cónteme 12:46, 16 mar 2015 (CET)[respondi]
Favorevołe--Ciaurlec (msj) 13:38, 16 mar 2015 (CET)[respondi]
Favorevołe --Vajotwo (posta) 16:54, 16 mar 2015 (CET)[respondi]
Favorevołe --Aerzperch conteme na s-ciòna 12:34, 4 avr 2015 (CEST)[respondi]

Bon. Come ne convien prosedare? Mèjo scansełar i do modèłi par dopo cavarli da łe voxe o mèjo cavarli da łe voxe prima de scansełarli?--GatoSelvadego (msj) 17:37, 25 mar 2015 (CET)[respondi]

Par mi la diferènẑia no la é tanta, ma scancelerìe prima i modèi par veđer se ghen é problèmi strani a far sènẑa. --Tn4196 cónteme 19:20, 29 mar 2015 (CEST)[respondi]
Mi son d'acordo col Tn4196 e dirie anca mi de cavar prima i modèi e veder che che suẑede. --Aerzperch conteme na s-ciòna 12:34, 4 avr 2015 (CEST)[respondi]
✔ Fato

. Modèłi scansełai. Deso cognarìa che calchedun i cavase da łe voxe. E dopo cognaria scansełar łe categorie.--GatoSelvadego (msj) 17:05, 6 avr 2015 (CEST)[respondi]

Stewards confirmation rules

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

Hello, I made a proposal on Meta to change the rules for the steward confirmations. Currently consensus to remove is required for a steward to lose his status, however I think it's fairer to the community if every steward needed the consensus to keep. As this is an issue that affects all WMF wikis, I'm sending this notification to let people know & be able to participate. Best regards, --MF-W 18:13, 10 avr 2015 (CEST)[respondi]

VisualEditor News #2—2015

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

21:48, 10 avr 2015 (CEST)

This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.


I am pleased to announce that nominations are now being accepted for the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections. This year the Board and the FDC Staff are looking for a diverse set of candidates from regions and projects that are traditionally under-represented on the board and in the movement as well as candidates with experience in technology, product or finance. To this end they have published letters describing what they think is needed and, recognizing that those who know the community the best are the community themselves, the election committee is accepting nominations for community members you think should run and will reach out to those nominated to provide them with information about the job and the election process.

This year, elections are being held for the following roles:

Board of Trustees
The Board of Trustees is the decision-making body that is ultimately responsible for the long term sustainability of the Foundation, so we value wide input into its selection. There are three positions being filled. More information about this role can be found at the board elections page.

Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC)
The Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) makes recommendations about how to allocate Wikimedia movement funds to eligible entities. There are five positions being filled. More information about this role can be found at the FDC elections page.

Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) Ombud
The FDC Ombud receives complaints and feedback about the FDC process, investigates complaints at the request of the Board of Trustees, and summarizes the investigations and feedback for the Board of Trustees on an annual basis. One position is being filled. More information about this role can be found at the FDC Ombudsperson elections page.

The candidacy submission phase lasts from 00:00 UTC April 20 to 23:59 UTC May 5 for the Board and from 00:00 UTCApril 20 to 23:59 UTC April 30 for the FDC and FDC Ombudsperson. This year, we are accepting both self-nominations and nominations of others. More information on this election and the nomination process can be found on the 2015 Wikimedia elections page on Meta-Wiki.

Please feel free to post a note about the election on your project's village pump. Any questions related to the election can be posted on the talk page on Meta, or sent to the election committee's mailing list, board-elections -at-

On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery on behalf of the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee, 05:03, 21 April 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help

Ciao a tuti! Go leto qualche giorno fa tramite un mesagio de ła Fondasion Wikimedia [1] (v. anca qua) che ancora in otobre xe mancà un storico utente vèneto de it.Wikipedia. No se ło savevi e quindi go pensà de dirveło, visto che so che alcuni de vojaltri i gera anca stà in contato in qualche discusion su
Se vołì, podì xontare un mesagio de ricordo qua.
Ciao. --Davy1509 (msj) 11:48, 2 maj 2015 (CEST)[respondi]

Mi ło ghevo savesto par caxo in chèi xorni là (purtropo masa tardi, gavarìa vùo caro èsar ndà al funerałe dato che ło ghevo conosùo a un wikiraduno), lexendo el bar de (che ghe darò n'ociada na volta al mexe se xe tanto), ma no ghevo gnanca pensà de riportar ła notisia cuà so łe ciàcołe. Grasie pa' 'verla riportà anca cuà. PS: In sti caxi no ło so come che se se conporta... secondo voaltri goi da blocarghe l'utensa e métare in protesion infita ła so pàgina utente?--GatoSelvadego (msj) 12:11, 2 maj 2015 (CEST)[respondi]
Ah, eco, me imaginavo che probabilmente te ło savevi. Ciao. --Davy1509 (msj) 12:16, 2 maj 2015 (CEST)[respondi]
Mi no saé che'l aese contribuì a e no'l ò gnanca mai conosest, parò a so tènp ghe ò asà instes na firma. No sò se l'é el caxo de blocarlo, ma par mi anca sì, no se sa mai... --Tn4196 cónteme 14:55, 4 maj 2015 (CEST)[respondi]
El gheva un par de contributi so i namespace de servisio. Ròba dei primi ani de sta wiki. Pa'l bloco: me par che ła sia na uxansa de łe wiki, però de sołito ło go visto far so łe home wiki e no so chealtre "secondarie". D'ogni modo speto el parer anca de altri.--GatoSelvadego (msj) 12:30, 6 maj 2015 (CEST)[respondi]
Ciao! Par mi podaria ésere suficiente soło protegere la so pagina-utente. Pa 'l resto, no credo ghe sia altri che posa utiłizare la so utensa. Ciao. --Davy1509 (msj) 13:58, 6 maj 2015 (CEST)[respondi]
Fato. Pa'l momento no credo che serva blocar anca parché dato che'l jera un aministrador so el gavarà vudo na password bastansa bona donca el ris·cio che calchedun entre co ła so utensa el dovarìa èsar asé baso.--GatoSelvadego (msj) 17:33, 8 maj 2015 (CEST)[respondi]

This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.

Voting has begun for eligible voters in the 2015 elections for the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) and FDC Ombudsperson. Questions and discussion with the candidates for the Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) and FDC Ombudsperson will continue during the voting. Nominations for the Board of Trustees will be accepted until 23:59 UTC May 5.

The Funds Dissemination Committee (FDC) makes recommendations about how to allocate Wikimedia movement funds to eligible entities. There are five positions on the committee being filled.

The FDC Ombudsperson receives complaints and feedback about the FDC process, investigates complaints at the request of the Board of Trustees, and summarizes the investigations and feedback for the Board of Trustees on an annual basis. One position is being filled.

The voting phase lasts from 00:00 UTC May 3 to 23:59 UTC May 10. Click here to vote. Questions and discussion with the candidates will continue during that time. Click here to ask the FDC candidates a question. Click here to ask the FDC Ombudsperson candidates a question. More information on the candidates and the elections can be found on the 2015 FDC election page, the 2015 FDC Ombudsperson election page, and the 2015 Board election page on Meta-Wiki.

On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Volunteer Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 03:45, 4 May 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help

New Wikipedia Library Accounts Available Now (May 2015)

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

Apologies for writing in English, please help translate this into your local language. Hello Wikimedians!

The TWL OWL says sign up today!

Today The Wikipedia Library announces signups for more free, full-access accounts to published research as part of our Publisher Donation Program. You can sign up for new accounts and research materials from:

  • MIT Press Journals — scholarly journals in the humanities, sciences, and social sciences (200 accounts)
  • Loeb Classical Library — Harvard University Press versions of Classical Greek and Latin literature with commentary and annotation (25 accounts)
  • RIPM — music periodicals published between 1760 and 1966 (20 accounts)
  • Sage Stats — social science data for geographies within the United States (10 accounts)
  • HeinOnline — an extensive legal research database, including 2000 law-related journals as well as international legal history materials (25 accounts)

Many other partnerships with accounts available are listed on our partners page, including Project MUSE, JSTOR, DeGruyter, and British Newspaper Archive. Do better research and help expand the use of high quality references across Wikipedia projects: sign up today!
--The Wikipedia Library Team 00:12, 5 maj 2015 (CEST)

We need your help! Help coordinate Wikipedia Library's account distribution and global development! Please join our team at Global our new coordinator signup.
This message was delivered via the Mass Message tool to The Wikipedia Library Global Delivery List

This is a message from the 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee. Translations are available.

Voting has begun for eligible voters in the 2015 elections for the Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees. Questions and discussion with the candidates for the Board will continue during the voting.

The Wikimedia Foundation Board of Trustees is the ultimate governing authority of the Wikimedia Foundation, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization registered in the United States. The Wikimedia Foundation manages many diverse projects such as Wikipedia and Commons.

The voting phase lasts from 00:00 UTC May 17 to 23:59 UTC May 31. Click here to vote. More information on the candidates and the elections can be found on the 2015 Board election page on Meta-Wiki.

On behalf of the Elections Committee,
-Gregory Varnum (User:Varnent)
Volunteer Coordinator, 2015 Wikimedia Foundation Elections Committee

Posted by the MediaWiki message delivery 17:20, 17 May 2015 (UTC) • TranslateGet help

Pywikibot compat will no longer be supported - Please migrate to pywikibot core

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

Sorry for English, I hope someone translates this.
Pywikibot (then "Pywikipediabot") was started back in 2002. In 2007 a new branch (formerly known as "rewrite", now called "core") was started from scratch using the MediaWiki API. The developers of Pywikibot have decided to stop supporting the compat version of Pywikibot due to bad performance and architectural errors that make it hard to update, compared to core. If you are using pywikibot compat it is likely your code will break due to upcoming MediaWiki API changes (e.g. T101524). It is highly recommended you migrate to the core framework. There is a migration guide, and please contact us if you have any problem.

There is an upcoming MediaWiki API breaking change that compat will not be updated for. If your bot's name is in this list, your bot will most likely break.

Thank you,
The Pywikibot development team, 19:30, 5 June 2015 (UTC)

Galicia 20 - 20 Challenge

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

Wikipedia:Galicia 20 - 20 Challenge is a public writing competition which will improve and translate this list of 20 really important articles into as many languages as possible. Everybody can help in any language to collaborate on writing and/or translating articles related to Galicia. To participate you just need to sign up here. Thank you very much.--Breogan2008 (msj) 12:18, 9 giu 2015 (CEST)

VisualEditor News #3—2015

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

12:44, 13 giu 2015 (CEST)

New Wikipedia Library Accounts Available Now (June 2015)

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

Hello Wikimedians!

The TWL OWL says sign up today!

Today The Wikipedia Library announces signups for more free, full-access accounts to published research as part of our Publisher Donation Program. You can sign up for new accounts and research materials from:

  • Taylor & Francis — academic publisher of journals. The pilot includes two subject collections: Arts & Humanities and Biological, Environment & Earth Sciences. (30 accounts)
  • World Bank eLibrary — digital platform containing all books, working papers, and journal articles published by the World Bank from the 1990s to the present. (100 accounts)
  • AAAS — general interest science publisher, who publishes the journal Science among other sources (50 accounts)

New French-Language Branch!

  • Érudit (en Francais) — Érudit is a French-Canadian scholarly aggregator primarily, humanities and social sciences, and contains sources in both English and French. Signups on both English and French Wikipedia (50 accounts).
  • (en Francais) — is a Switzerland based online web portal of scholarly materials in the humanities and social sciences. Most sources are in French, but some also in English. Signups on both English and French Wikipedia (100 accounts).
  • L'Harmattan — French language publisher across a wide range of non-fiction and fiction, with a strong selection of francophone African materials (1000 accounts).

Many other partnerships with accounts available are listed on our partners page, including an expansion of accounts for Royal Society journals and remaining accounts on Project MUSE, JSTOR, DeGruyter, Highbeam and British Newspaper Archive. If you have suggestions for journals or databases we should seek access to make a request! Do better research and help expand the use of high quality references across Wikipedia projects: sign up today!
--The Wikipedia Library Team 22:08, 15 June 2015 (UTC)

We need your help! Help coordinate Wikipedia Library's account distribution and global development! Please join our team at our new coordinator signup.
This message was delivered via the Global Mass Message tool to The Wikipedia Library Global Delivery List

Wikiraduno a Vicensa (23-28 giugno 2015)

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

Ciao a tutti! Ve segnało el Wikiraduno e Wikigita a Vicensa de ła setimana prosima (v. [2]). Ciao --Davy1509 (msj) 13:26, 18 giu 2015 (CEST)

Grasie pa' ła segnałasion. No so gnancora in che xornada, ma mi un salto penso de farlo.--GatoSelvadego (msj) 20:03, 19 giu 2015 (CEST)
De niente. Mi, come che go dito su, farò sicuramente un giro par i stand come vixitatore inte el fine setimana e quindi ghe darò un'ociada anca al stand de Wiki. Ciao. --Davy1509 (msj) 21:15, 22 giu 2015 (CEST)
P.S.: Par chi che vien in màchina, vołevo dirve che, durante ła festa, l'acèso a łe vie prinçipałi del quartiere el xe interdeto pa' i non rexidenti. Ghe xe un parchegio lìbero viçin a ła rotatoria, ma 'l ga pochi posti (ma pol darsi che i bloca la strada prima de chel punto) o se no credo che podì parchegiare anca di fronte al supermercato. Ciao. --Davy1509 (msj) 12:00, 24 giu 2015 (CEST)
Grasie pa'l informasion. Mi probabilmente ndarò sabo dopodisnar e/o domenega matina (gavarìa da catarme co cuełi del AVILug pa' altre cuestion ligae a OpenStreetMap).--GatoSelvadego (msj) 13:29, 25 giu 2015 (CEST)
De niente. Mi, come i altri ani, 'ndarò a fare un giro a ła festa el vénere e el sabo de sera (forse anca ła doménega de sera). Ciao. --Davy1509 (msj) 20:08, 25 giu 2015 (CEST)
P.S.: Ieri i sarava la strada a łe 18, parché la festa la inisiava a cheła ora łì; doménega no so (ma xe senpre mejo, anche se rivé prima, de no parchegiare lungo łe vie del quartiere: no so se ghe sia el ris-cio de rimosion par chi che no ga el pass). --Davy1509 (msj) 12:03, 26 giu 2015 (CEST)
P.S.: par chi che invese dovese vignere in treno, visin a la stasion ghe xe la fermata de l'autobus e l'autobus da ciapare xe el nr. 4, in diresion Via Giaretta/Sant'Agostino/Nogarazza. L'autobus el fa anca la fermata anche inte el cuartiere dove che ghe xe la festa, en Via Giaretta. Ciao. --Davy1509 (msj) 13:38, 26 giu 2015 (CEST)

00:00, 20 giu 2015 (CEST)

Content Translation beta feature is now available

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]
Tool icon
Tool icon
How to use Content Translation - a short video (English)

Hello, Content Translation has now been enabled as an opt-in beta feature on the Venetian Wikipedia. To start translating:

  1. Please enable the Beta feature in your preferences by checking the box for Content Translation.
  2. Visit the page Special:ContentTranslation or to your contributions page to open the tool.
  3. Click on the button to create a new translation.
  4. In the displayed dialog select the language of the original article and the article name, and the language you would like to translate to. Also add the title of the new article (or the original title will be inserted) and click on to begin. Your language preferences will be remembered for the next time.
  5. You will see a screen consisting of three columns. The first column contains the text of the source language and the middle column is for the translated text. Using the third column you can perform several actions such as insert source text, remove the inserted text source text, add or remove links etc.
  6. After you translate the article, you can publish it directly as a new page on the Venetian Wikipedia by using the publish button that appears. In case the article gets created by another user while you were translating, you will see an option to save the newly published translation under your user namespace.
  7. The number of published pages can be seen on the Content Translation stats page.

Since this is the first time we have installed the tool on this Wikipedia, there are chances that there may be some problems or service disruptions which we are not yet aware of. We will be monitoring the usage to check for any failures or issues, but please do let us know on the Content Translation talk page or through Phabricator if you spot any problems. For more information, please read the information available in the User Guide. Our announcement is written only in English, and we would really appreciate if this message can be translated to reach more users of this Wikipedia. Thank you. On behalf of the Wikimedia Foundation's Language Engineering Team:--Runa Bhattacharjee (msj) 17:58, 25 giu 2015 (CEST)

A xe na figada ma tra disegneti e tabełe a vien fora un maseo.
O soi mi che no so bon? --Max tre (msj) 21:28, 28 giu 2015 (CEST)
No go idea, no ło go gnancora proà. A dirla tuta credo che par deso te ło gapi proà soło che ti.--GatoSelvadego (msj) 19:24, 2 luj 2015 (CEST)[respondi]
Go tradoto ła voxe so'l prosimo Tour. Go da dir che'l xe un strumento asé comodo. No go vudo particołari problemi, anca se ghe xe un fià de robete che no go capio come farle (tipo xontar łe categorie)... D'ogni modo no me par de ver catà rogne co tabełe e/o someje. Cuałe jereło stato el to problema?--GatoSelvadego (msj) 19:19, 3 luj 2015 (CEST)[respondi]
Soe połideghe, in itałian ghe jera de łe strichete coi cołori dei partìi che no łe ga propio lete e se incaxinava tuto. Soe eoropee ghe jera na fraca de robe fà [./File:path_img img] e no go capio parché. --Max tre (msj) 02:28, 10 luj 2015 (CEST)[respondi]
Podarisito riprovar traduxendo calche elesion presedente? Giusto par saver se xe un problema che i ga risolto de resente (dopo łe to modifeghe, ma prima de łe mie) o se'l ghe xe ncora? Cusì in caxo ghe segnałemo el problema.--GatoSelvadego (msj) 10:14, 11 luj 2015 (CEST)[respondi]
no'l me funsiona altro :S provà e riprovà, anca co logout e login ma gnente: --Max tre (msj) 01:46, 17 luj 2015 (CEST)[respondi]
mmh boh desso me xe ndà ben co n'altra voxe, ma no ghe jera łe strichete, le someje o i buxi so łe tabełe... --Max tre (msj) 02:10, 17 luj 2015 (CEST)[respondi]

Proposal to create PNG thumbnails of static GIF images

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]
The thumbnail of this gif is of really bad quality.
How a PNG thumb of this GIF would look like

There is a proposal at the Commons Village Pump requesting feedback about the thumbnails of static GIF images: It states that static GIF files should have their thumbnails created in PNG. The advantages of PNG over GIF would be visible especially with GIF images using an alpha channel. (compare the thumbnails on the side)

This change would affect all wikis, so if you support/oppose or want to give general feedback/concerns, please post them to the proposal page. Thank you. --McZusatz (talk) & MediaWiki message delivery (msj) 07:07, 24 luj 2015 (CEST)[respondi]

What does a Healthy Community look like to you?

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

The Community Engagement department at the Wikimedia Foundation has launched a new learning campaign. The WMF wants to record community impressions about what makes a healthy online community. Share your views and/or create a drawing and take a chance to win a Wikimania 2016 scholarship! Join the WMF as we begin a conversation about Community Health. Contribute a drawing or answer the questions on the campaign's page.

Why get involved?

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

The world is changing. The way we relate to knowledge is transforming. As the next billion people come online, the Wikimedia movement is working to bring more users on the wiki projects. The way we interact and collaborate online are key to building sustainable projects. How accessible are Wikimedia projects to newcomers today? Are we helping each other learn?
Share your views on this matter that affects us all!
We invite everyone to take part in this learning campaign. Wikimedia Foundation will distribute one Wikimania Scholarship 2016 among those participants who are eligible.

More information

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

Happy editing!

MediaWiki message delivery (msj) 01:43, 1 ago 2015 (CEST)[respondi]

Wikidata: Access to data from arbitrary items is coming

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

(Sorry for writing in English)

When using data from Wikidata on Wikipedia and other sister projects, there is currently a limitation in place that hinders some use cases: data can only be accessed from the corresponding item. So, for example, the Wikipedia article about Berlin can only get data from the Wikidata item about Berlin but not from the item about Germany. This had technical reasons. We are now removing this limitation. It is already done for many projects. Your project is one of the next ones. We will roll out this feature here on August 12.

We invite you to play around with this new feature if you are one of the people who have been waiting for this for a long time. If you have technical issues/questions with this you can come to d:Wikidata:Contact the development team.

A note of caution: Please be careful with how many items you use for a single page. If it is too many pages, loading might get slow. We will have to see how the feature behaves in production to see where we need to tweak and how.

How to use it, once it is enabled:

Cheers Lydia Pintscher MediaWiki message delivery (msj) 19:46, 3 ago 2015 (CEST)[respondi]

Wikidata: Access to data from arbitrary items is here

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

VisualEditor News #4—2015

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

Elitre (WMF), 00:28, 15 ago 2015 (CEST)[respondi]

How can we improve Wikimedia grants to support you better?

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

My apologies for posting this message in English. Please help translate it if you can.


The Wikimedia Foundation would like your feedback about how we can reimagine Wikimedia Foundation grants, to better support people and ideas in your Wikimedia project. Ways to participate:

Feedback is welcome in any language.

With thanks,

I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources, Wikimedia Foundation.

(Opt-out Instructions) This message was sent by I JethroBT (WMF) through MediaWiki message delivery. 02:23, 19 ago 2015 (CEST)[respondi]

Historia veneziana

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

Scuse a tutti per non sapere come esprimere me stesso in lingua veneta. Non so se questo è il posto giusto per questo post, ma credo che in questa wiki può essere di interesse questo articolo, per il suo rapporto speciale con la lingua veneta e racconta di un episodio poco noto che ha a che fare con le prime manifestazioni in lingua romanza. O Abba, rogo, frustra me saludos. --Lliura (msj) 14:26, 29 ago 2015 (CEST)[respondi]

Introducing the Wikimedia public policy site

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

Hi all,

We are excited to introduce a new Wikimedia Public Policy site. The site includes resources and position statements on access, copyright, censorship, intermediary liability, and privacy. The site explains how good public policy supports the Wikimedia projects, editors, and mission.

Visit the public policy portal:

Please help translate the statements on Meta Wiki. You can read more on the Wikimedia blog.


Yana and Stephen (Talk) 20:12, 2 set 2015 (CEST)[respondi]

(Sent with the Global message delivery system)

Open call for Individual Engagement Grants

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

My apologies for posting this message in English. Please help translate it if you can.

Greetings! The Individual Engagement Grants program is accepting proposals until September 29th to fund new tools, community-building processes, and other experimental ideas that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers. Whether you need a small or large amount of funds (up to $30,000 USD), Individual Engagement Grants can support you and your team’s project development time in addition to project expenses such as materials, travel, and rental space.


I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources, Wikimedia Foundation. 22:52, 4 set 2015 (CEST)[respondi]

(Opt-out Instructions) This message was sent by I JethroBT (WMF) (talk) through MediaWiki message delivery.

New Wikipedia Library Database Access (September 2015)

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

Hello Wikimedians!

The TWL OWL says sign up today!

The Wikipedia Library is announcing signups today for free, full-access accounts to published research as part of our Publisher Donation Program. You can sign up for new accounts and research materials from:

  • EBSCOHost - this is one of our largest access donations so far: access to a wide variety of academic, newspaper and magazine sources through their Academic Search Complete, Business Source Complete and MasterFILE Complete
  • - historical newspapers from the United States, Canada, UK and 20 other countries, and includes an Open Access "clipping" feature (1000 accounts)
  • IMF Elibary- a digital collection of the IMF's reports, studies and research on global economics and development (50 accounts)
  • Sabinet - one of the largest African digital publishers, based in South Africa, with a wide range of content in English and other European and African languages (10 accounts)
  • Numérique Premium - a French language social science and humanities ebook database, with topical collections on a wide range of topics (100)
  • Al Manhal - an Arabic and English database with a wide range of sources, largely focused on or published in the Middle East (60 accounts)
  • Jamalon - an Arabic book distributor, who is providing targeted book delivery to volunteers (50 editors)

Many other partnerships with accounts available are listed on our partners page, including expanded accounts for Elsevier ScienceDirect, British Medical Journal and Dynamed and additional accounts for Project MUSE, DeGruyter,, Highbeam and HeinOnline. Do better research and help expand the use of high quality references across Wikipedia projects: sign up today!
--The Wikipedia Library Team 19:42, 16 September 2015 (UTC)

We need help! Help us coordinate Wikipedia Library's distribution of accounts, communication of access opportunities and more! Please join our team at our new coordinator signup.
This message was delivered via the Global Mass Message tool to The Wikipedia Library Global Delivery List.

Only one week left for Individual Engagement Grant proposals!

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

(Apologies for using English below, please help translate if you are able.)

There is still one week left to submit Individual Engagement Grant (IEG) proposals before the September 29th deadline. If you have ideas for new tools, community-building processes, and other experimental projects that enhance the work of Wikimedia volunteers, start your proposal today! Please encourage others who have great ideas to apply as well. Support is available if you want help turning your idea into a grant request.

I JethroBT (WMF), Community Resources 23:01, 22 set 2015 (CEST)[respondi]

Reimagining WMF grants report

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

(My apologies for using English here, please help translate if you are able.)

Last month, we asked for community feedback on a proposal to change the structure of WMF grant programs. Thanks to the 200+ people who participated! A report on what we learned and changed based on this consultation is now available.

Come read about the findings and next steps as WMF’s Community Resources team begins to implement changes based on your feedback. Your questions and comments are welcome on the outcomes discussion page.

With thanks, I JethroBT (WMF) 18:56, 28 set 2015 (CEST)[respondi]

VisualEditor News #5—2015

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

Elitre (WMF), 19:18, 30 oto 2015 (CET)[respondi]

Community Wishlist Survey

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

Wikimania 2016 scholarships ambassadors needed

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]

Hello! Wikimania 2016 scholarships will soon be open; by the end of the week we'll form the committee and we need your help, see Scholarship committee for details.

If you want to carefully review nearly a thousand applications in January, you might be a perfect committee member. Otherwise, you can volunteer as "ambassador": you will observe all the committee activities, ensure that people from your language or project manage to apply for a scholarship, translate scholarship applications written in your language to English and so on. Ambassadors are allowed to ask for a scholarship, unlike committee members.

Wikimania 2016 scholarships subteam 11:47, 10 nov 2015 (CET)

Traesto fora da Wikipèdia - L'ençiclopedia łìbara e cołaboradiva in łéngua Vèneta "àcołe/Archivio/2015&oldid=902285"