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Sant'Osvaldo de Northumbria

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I sete regni anglosasoni

Sant'Oswald (ca. 604-ca. 642[1]) inte el 634 el xe montà sol trono de Bernicia e Deira, i due regni che, unificati, furono conosciuti col nome di Northumbria. Oswald el xe venerà come santo da ła Cexa catołega, parché lu - che el zera on cristian el xe sta copà in bataja dal re pagan Penda de Mercia. Durante i so oto ani de regno el xe sta tra i sovrani pì potenti de ła Britania.

  1. Beda, Historia ecclesiastica gentis Anglorum, [1] Archivià il 13 de majo 2011 in Internet Archive. III, 9, dà el 642 come data di morte de Oswald. Ma ciel xe controverso. Secondo R. L. Poole (Studies in Chronology and History, 1934) i ani par Beda i scuminsiava in setenbre. Se ciò fuse vero, seguendo ła cronołogia secondo cui Oswald el ga regnà par oto ani, fino a ła so morte, el sarìa morto inte el 641.

Fonti e bibliografia de riferimento

[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]
  • Adomnán, Vitae sancti Columbae translated and edited Richard Sharpe. ISBN 0-14-044462-9
  • Bede, Historia ecclesiastica gentis anglorum translated Sherley-Price, edited D.H. Farmer. ISBN 0-14-044565-X
  • Bailey, Richard N., "St Oswald's Heads", in in C. Stancliffe and E. Cambridge (eds), Oswald: Northumbrian King to European Saint (1995, 1996). ISBN 1-871615-51-8
  • Brooks, Nicholas , "The formation of the Mercian kingdom", in S. Bassett (ed.), The Origins of Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms (1989).
  • Kirby, D.P., The Earliest English Kings (1991, 2000). ISBN 0-04-445692-1
  • Rollason, David, "St Oswald in Post-Conquest England", in C. Stancliffe and E. Cambridge (eds), Oswald: Northumbrian King to European Saint (1995, 1996).
  • Stancliffe, Clare, "Oswald, 'Most Holy and Most Victorious King of the Northumbrians'", in C. Stancliffe and E. Cambridge (eds), Oswald: Northumbrian King to European Saint (1995, 1996).
  • Stancliffe, Clare, "Where Was Oswald Killed?", in C. Stancliffe and E. Cambridge (eds), Oswald: Northumbrian King to European Saint (1995). ISBN 1-871615-51-8
  • Tudor, Victoria, "Reginald's Life of St Oswald", in in C. Stancliffe and E. Cambridge (eds), Oswald: Northumbrian King to European Saint (1995, 1996). ISBN 1-871615-51-8
  • Ziegler, Michelle, "The Politics of Exile in Early Northumbria Archivià il 10 de zenaro 2011 in Internet Archive.

", The Heroic Age, Issue 2, Autumn/Winter 1999.

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Controło de autoritàVIAF (EN264440879 · ISNI (EN0000 0000 8050 6060 · LCCN (ENn82113982 · GND (DE11859060X · CERL cnp00561618 · WorldCat Identities (ENn82-113982
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