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Paul L. Smith

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Infotaula de personaPaul L. Smith

Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
Nome orizenałe(en) Paul Lawrence Smith
(en) Adam Eden Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
Nasimènto(en) Paul Lawrence Smith Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
24 de zugno del 1936 Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
Everett (Massachusetts) (it) Traduzi Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
Morte25 de apriłe del 2012 Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata (75 ani)
Ra'anana (Israełe) (it) Traduzi Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
Dati personałi
FormasionBrandeis University (it) Traduzi Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
Canpo de laoro
Atività1963 Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata –  2012 Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata

IMDB: nm0809544 Allocine: 3558 Allmovie: p111942 people/paul-l-smith IBDB: 100494
Musicbrainz: bdb42163-1029-4375-b439-d2587339c384 Find a Grave: 190862792

Paul Lawrence Smith (Everett, 24 de zugno 1936Ra'anana, 25 de apriłe 2012) el xe sta un ator merican.


[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]
Ano Tìtoło Roło
1960 Exodus Jewish Prisoner Peretz Geffner
1970 Madron Gabe Price
1971 Fishke Bemilu'im Shmil
1972 'Nahtche V'Hageneral
Jacko Vehayatzaniot
1973 Koreyim Li Shmil Shmiel
Gospel Road: A Story of Jesus Peter
1974 Moses the Lawgiver Rebel
Carambola! Clem Rodovam
1975 Carambola's Philosophy: In the Right Pocket Len
Convoy Buddies Butch
We Are No Angels Raphael McDonald
1976 The Diamond Peddlers Simone / Toby
21 Hours at Munich Gutfreund
1978 Return of the Tiger Paul the Westerner
Midnight Express Hamidou
1979 The In-Laws Mo
The Frisco Kid Person on Philadelphia dock
Disaster on the Coastliner Jim Waterman
Going in Style Radio Announcer
1980 Popeye Bluto
1981 Masada Gideon
The Salamander The Surgeon
When I Am King Sir Blackstone Hardtack
1982 Pieces Willard
1983 Sadat King Farouk
Raiders in Action Saul the Priest
1984 Mivtza Shtreimel
Jungle Warriors Cesar Santiago
Dune Glossu Rabban
1985 Crimewave Faron Crush
The Protector Mr. Booar
Red Sonja Falkon
1986 Sno-Line Duval
Haunted Honeymoon Dr. Paul Abbot
1987 Gor Surbus
Terminal Entry Stewart
1988 Outlaw Force Inspector Wainright
Death Chase Steele
1989 Ochlim Lokshim
Sonny Boy Slue
Ten Little Indians Elmo Rodgers
Nipagesh Basafari Paul
The Hired Gun Wounded Man
1990 Crossing the Line Joe Kapinski
Caged Fury Head Guard
1991 Eye of the Widow Elko
1992 Desert Kickboxer Santos
1994 Maverick Archduke
2008 Paul Smith: The Reddest Herring Himself

In altri projeti

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Controło de autoritàVIAF (EN100389548 · ISNI (EN0000 0001 2127 1617 · LCCN (ENno98119625 · GND (DE1013828356 · BNE (ESXX1647463 (data) · WorldCat Identities (ENno98-119625
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