
Da Wikipedia, l'ençiclopedia libara.

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This Module handles per language customization of dates

Authors and Maintainers:
* Jarekt 


local p = {}

--[[ Different languages use different date formats, and many formats are shared among whole families of languages. 
"DateLang" picks a cluster of languages associated with a single date format, based on the language to be used. 
All unlisted languages default to English form. Languages like "de-formal" follows regular language fallback chain 
and would default to German, and only if that does not exist then to English.

p.DateLang = {
	['vec'] 		= 'vec-form', -- VEC

--[[ Date format parameter which will be passed to {{#time:}} parser function. 
  It depends on the language and which parts of the date need to be displayed. 
  Different forms are:
  * YMDHMS = stands for YYYY:MM:DD, HH:MM:SS format or equivalent
  * YMDHM  = stands for YYYY:MM:DD, HH:MM format or equivalent
  * YMD    = stands for YYYY:MM:DD format or equivalent
  * YM     = stands for YYYY:MM (year-month) format or equivalent
  * MD     = stands for MM:DD (month-day) format or equivalent
  * Y      = stands for YYYY (year only) format or equivalent
  * M      = stands for month name only
  The left hand side follows encoding used by {{#time}} parser function , 
  see for documentation.
	To summerize:
	 * Y - 4-digit year, like "2017"
	 * y - 2-digit year, like "17"
	 * M - An abbreviation of the month name, in the site language, like "Mar"
	 * F - The full month name in the site language, like "March"
	 * xg - Output the full month name in the genitive form for site languages that distinguish 
	        between genitive and nominative forms. This option is useful for many Slavic languages 
					like Polish, Russian, Belarusian, Czech, Slovak, Slovene, Ukrainian, etc.
	 * j - Day of the month, not zero-padded, like "1"
	 * d - Day of the month, zero-padded, like "01"
	 * a - "am" during the morning (00:00:00 → 11:59:59), "pm" otherwise (12:00:00 → 23:59:59).
	 * A - Uppercase version of a above.
	 * g - Hour in 12-hour format, not zero-padded. 
	 * h - Hour in 12-hour format, zero-padded.
	 * G - Hour in 24-hour format, not zero-padded. 
	 * H - Hour in 24-hour format, zero-padded. 
	 * i - Minutes past the hour, zero-padded.
	 * s - Seconds past the minute, zero-padded.
  Original set was developed to match the output of the pre-Lua {{date}} template, preserved as {{date/old}}
p.DateFormat = {
	-- day/month/year languages
	['vec-form'] = {
		YMDHMS='j "de" Y, H:i:s',
		YMDHM ='j "de" Y, H:i',
		YMD   ='j "de" Y',
		YM    ='F "de" Y',
		MD    ='j "de" F',
		Y     ='Y',
		M     ='F'

return p
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