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Riga 29: Riga 29:
["years-old"] = {"($1 ano)", "($1 ani)"}, -- year(s) old, as in {{PLURAL:$1|singular|plural}}
["years-old"] = {
["singular"] = "($1 ano)", -- year old, as in {{PLURAL:$1|singular|plural}}
["plural"] = "($1 ani)", -- years old, or genitive plural for 3 plural forms
["paucal"] = "", -- for languages with 3 plural forms as in {{PLURAL:$1|singular|paucal|plural}}
["cite"] = { -- cite parameters of local templates
["cite"] = { -- cite parameters of local templates
Riga 48: Riga 44:
["archive-date"] = "arxiudata",
["archive-date"] = "arxiudata",
["publisher"] = "editor",
["publisher"] = "editor",
["quote"] = "citació",
["quote"] = "citasion",
-- cite journal parameters
-- cite journal parameters
["work"] = "publegasion",
["work"] = "publegasion",

Version de le 18:20, 31 oto 2021

local i18n = {
	["errors"] = {
		["property-not-found"] = "Propietà no catada.",
		["qualifier-not-found"] = "Cualifegador no catà."
	["datetime"] =
		-- $1 is a placeholder for the actual number, or use the format of #time parser function
		["beforenow"] = "$1 fa",		-- how to format negative numbers for precisions 0 to 5
		["afternow"] = "dal $1",		-- how to format positive numbers for precisions 0 to 5
		["bc"] = '$1 v.C.',				-- how print negative years
		["ad"] = "$1 d.C.",				-- how print 1st century AD dates
		[0] = "$1 mil milioni de ani",	-- precision: billion years
		[1] = "$100 milioni de ani",	-- precision: hundred million years
		[2] = "$10 milioni de ani",		-- precision: ten million years
		[3] = "$1 milioni de ani",		-- precision: million years
		[4] = "$100000 ani",			-- precision: hundred thousand years; thousand separators added afterwards
		[5] = "$10000 ani",			-- precision: ten thousand years; thousand separators added afterwards
		[6] = '"mileni" "<span style=\'font-variant:small-caps; text-transform:lowercase;\'>"xrY"</span>"',-- precision: millennium
		[7] = '"seculo" "<span style=\'font-variant:small-caps; text-transform:lowercase;\'>"xrY"</span>"',-- precision: century
		[8] = "dècada del $1",			-- precision: decade
		[9] = "$1",						-- precision: year
		[10] = "F Y",					-- precision: month
		[11] = function(ts) return mw.ustring.match(ts, "\-(%d+)T") == "01" and 'j"°" F Y' or "j F Y" end, -- precision: day
		["hms"] = {["hours"] = "h", ["minutes"] = "m", ["seconds"] = "s"},	-- duration: xh xm xs
	["years-old"] = {"($1 ano)", "($1 ani)"}, -- year(s) old, as in {{PLURAL:$1|singular|plural}}
	["cite"] = {						-- cite parameters of local templates
		["title"]        = "títolo",
		["author"]       = "autor",
		["date"]         = "data",
		["pages"]        = "pàzena",
		["language"]     = "léngua",
		-- cite web parameters
		["url"]			= "url",
		["website"]		= "opara",
		["access-date"]	= "consulta",
		["archive-url"]	= "arxiuurl",
		["archive-date"] = "arxiudata",
		["publisher"]	= "editor",
		["quote"]		= "citasion",
		-- cite journal parameters
		["work"]		= "publegasion",
		["issue"]		= "ezenplar",
		["issn"]		= "issn",
		["doi"]			= "doi"
	-- local wiki settings
	["addpencil"] = true, -- adds a pencil icon linked to Wikidata statement, planned to overwrite by Wikidata Bridge
	["categorylabels"] = "Category:Voze co targhete de Wikidata sensa tradusion", -- void for no local category
	["categoryprop"] = "Category:$1 lexesta da Wikidata", --  void for no local category
	["categoryref"] = "Category:Voze co notasion da Wikidata", -- (void for no local category)
	["addfallback"] = {'es', 'fr', 'de', 'en'} -- additional fallback language codes

-- Functions for local grammatical cases and local fixes
local cases = {
	-- local fixes
	["infoboxlabel"] = function(word) return require("Module:Wikidades/labels").fixInfoboxLabel(word) end,
	["infoboxdata"] = function(word) return require("Module:Wikidades/labels").fixInfoboxData(word) end,
	-- plurals with rules in Vèneto
	["plural"] = function(word, ...) if arg[1] == "vec"  then return require("Module:vec-flesion").plural(word) end return word end,
	-- ordinal in Vèneto, needs to be internationalised
	["ordinal"] = function(number, ...) if arg[1] == "vec"  then return require("Module:vec-flesion").ordinal(number, arg[2]) end return number end,
	-- naming locations with a referent
	-- arg[1]=actual lang, arg[2]=requested lang, arg[3]=location Qid, arg[4]=article Qid
	["location"] = function(label, ...) return require("Module:Location").naming(label, arg[2], arg[3]) end,
	["locationcontext"] = function(label, ...) return require("Module:Location").naming(label, arg[2], arg[3], arg[4]) end,

return {
	i18n = i18n,
	cases = cases
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