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Tim Curry

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Infotaula de personaTim Curry

Tim Curry inte el 1995 Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
Nasimènto(en) Timothy James Curry Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
19 de apriłe del 1946 Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata (78 ani)
Grappenhall (Inghiltera) (it) Traduzi Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
Dati personałi
RełijonAgnostisismo Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
FormasionUniversità di Birmingham (it) Traduzi
Kingswood School (en) Traduzi
Lymm High School (en) Traduzi Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
Atività1968 Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata –
PartioPartio Democràtego Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
ZènareCommedie shakespeariane (it) Traduzi Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
Instrumento muzicałeVoze Cànbia el vałor in Wikidata
Òpare in rezalto

IMDB: nm0000347 Allocine: 355 Rottentomatoes: celebrity/tim_curry Allmovie: p16268 201504 Metacritic: person/tim-curry people/tim-curry IBDB: 36907
Souncloud: tim-curry-official Spotify: 5upLeyz8OjRZcbFuXOF59B Last fm: Tim+Curry Musicbrainz: 33ce4a70-005d-4563-bb6e-2d253fab9842 Songkick: 467108 Discogs: 310135 Allmusic: mn0000596686

Timothy James "Tim" Curry (Grappenhall (Cheshire), 19 de apriłe 1946) xe un ator statunitènse.

Cariera profesionałe

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Ano Tìtuło Roło Notasion
1975 The Rocky Horror Picture Show Dr. Frank N. Furter
1978 The Shout Robert Graves
1980 Times Square Johnny LaGuardia
1982 Annie Rooster Hannigan
1983 The Ploughman's Lunch Jeremy Hancock
1985 Legend Lord of Darkness
1985 Clue Wadsworth
1988 Pass the Ammo Pentecostal Televangelist
1989 The Little Mermaid Veus addicionals
1990 The Hunt for Red October Dr. Petrov
1990 It Pennywise
1991 Oscar Dr. Thornton Poole
1992 FernGully: The Last Rainforest Hexxus (voxe)
1992 Passed Away Boyd Pinter
1992 Home Alone 2: Lost in New York Mr. Hector
1993 Loaded Weapon 1 Mr. Jigsaw
1993 The Three Musketeers Cardinal Richelieu
1994 The Shadow Farley Claymore
1995 The Pebble and the Penguin Drake (voxe)
1995 Congo Herkermer Homolka
1996 Muppet Treasure Island Long John Silver
1996 Lover's Knot Cupid's Caseworker
1997 A Christmas Carol Ebenezer Scrooge (voxe)
1997 McHale's Navy Major Vladikov
1997 Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas Forte (voxe)
1998 Addams Family Reunion Gomez Addams
1998 The Rugrats Movie Rex Pester (voxe)
1999 Scooby-Doo and the Witch's Ghost Ben Ravencroft (voxe)
1999 Bartok the Magnificent The Skull (voxe)
1999 Pirates of the Plain "Jezebel Jack"
2000 Four Dogs Playing Poker Felix
2000 Sorted Damien Kemp
2000 Lion of Oz Captain Fitzgerald (voxe)
2000 Els Àngels de Charlie Roger Corwin
2000 Rugrats in Paris: The Movie Sumo Singer (voxe)
2001 Scary Movie 2 Professor Oldman
2001 Ritual Matthew Hope
2001 Barbie in the Nutcracker The Mouse King (voxe)
2002 The Scoundrel's Wife Father Antoine
2002 The Cat Returns The Cat King
2002 The Wild Thornberrys Movie Nigel Thornberry
Coronel Radcliff Thornberry
2003 Rugrats Go Wild Nigel Thornberry (voxe)
2004 Kinsey Thurman Rice
2005 Bailey's Billion$ Caspar Pennington
2005 ¡Mucha Lucha!: The Return of El Maléfico El Maléfico (voxe)
2005 Valiant Von Talon (voxe)
2006 Queer Duck: The Movie Percy (voxe)
2006 Garfield: A Tail of Two Kitties Prince (voxe)
2006 A Sesame Street Christmas Carol narrador (voxe)
2007 The Chosen One Lucifer (voxe)
2007 Christmas in Wonderland Gordon McLoosh
2008 Fly Me to the Moon Igor (voxe)
2008 The Secret of Moonacre Coeur De Noir
2008 Scooby-Doo and the Goblin King The Goblin King (voxe)
2009 Curious George 2: Follow That Monkey! Piccadilly (voxe)
2009 Barbie and the Three Musketeers Philippe (voxe)
2009 Mythic Journeys The King (voxe)
2010 A Turtle's Tale: Sammy's Adventures Fluffy the Cat (voxe)
2010 Burke and Hare Dr. Monroe
2012 The Outback Blacktooth (voxe)
2012 Strange Frame Dorlan Mig (voxe)
2012 Gingerclown 3D Gingerclown (voxe) postprodusion
2012 Ribbit Terence (voxe) postprodusion
2013 Saving Christmas Nevil Baddington (voxe)
Ano Tìtuło Roło Notasion
1993 Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers Gabriel Knight
1994 Wing Commander III: Heart of the Tiger Melek
1996 Frankenstein: Through the Eyes of the Monster Doctor Victor Frankenstein
1996 Muppet Treasure Island Long John Silver
1996 Toonstruck Count Nefarious
1997 Duckman: The Graphic Adventures of a Private Dick King Chicken
1997 The Day the World Broke Decanter
1999 Gabriel Knight 3: Blood of the Sacred, Blood of the Damned Gabriel Knight
2000 Sacrifice Stratos, the God of Air
2002 The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Satan (Sensa publegar)
2002 Scooby-Doo! Night of 100 Frights Mastermind
2004 Lemony Snicket's A Series Of Unfortunate Events Lemony Snicket
2005 Nicktoons Unite! Professor Finbarr Calamitous
2007 Nicktoons: Attack of the Toybots Professor Finbarr Calamitous
2008 Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 Premier Anatoly Cherdenko
2009 Brütal Legend Emperor Doviculus [1]
2009 Dragon Age: Origins Arl Rendon Howe [2]
2011 Professor Layton and the Last Specter Jean Descole


[canbia | canbia el còdaxe]
  1. Michael McWhertor, Tim Schafer Explains Why Dio's Out Of Brütal Legend, Tim Curry's In — ronnie james dio, a cura di Kotaku, Kotaku, 15 de zugno del 2009. entrada il 15 setembre 2009.
  2. YouTube (curà da), Dragon Age: Origins — VO Talent, YouTube, 27 de agosto del 2009. entrada il 15 setembre 2009.

Altri projeti

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